Monday 24 October 2016

Typing out loud

A bit of blue sky thinking has been happening here.  Another blow to my family, my cousin died last week.  Another funeral.  She buried her husband the week before.  He was 52, she was 48.  Him to cancer and although on her death certificate it will say she died of a heart attack, I think it should really say 'broken heart'.

Lifes to bloody short isnt it.  

We have been thinking and talking and have decided that we will move up our retirement plans to sooner.  Rather than in our 50's.  We need to speed this all up.  Mortgage free is the goal.  It maybe a really small property but we will be free.  Or should I say more free.

All very William Wallace, FRREeeeeeeeedooooommmmmmmmm!

What are your plans?  Are you running off into the sunset also?  lol  Join me in the craziness.  As the young'uns say YOLO.  You only live once!


local alien said...

Go for it. You dont want to live later years with regret. You got the place, house, whatever in mind? Keep it there. Be free. As they say here, May you live long (in happiness and health) and remember with love those that have gone. The essence of that is LIVING! What the hell is life all about? Enjoy it while you've got it

Sol said...

Hi Linda that is exactly it. Enjoy it whilst you have it.

rusty duck said...

So sorry to read about another loss in your family. It's so sad.
We never know what tomorrow will bring. Make the most of today.

DUTA said...

You're probably right. The woman died of a broken heart.
May you never know more sorrow! Your thoughts about early retirement is good thinking.

Sol said...

Hey Jessica, 2016 has taken many from not only my own family but to my very dear friends. Sell and move to a rental, till we can pounce on a house that is right. Nothing fancy, a little bungalow will do with a garden, Eric needs a garden.

Hi Duta, so many people I talk about retiring early, more and more people I know are thinking the same as us. Consumerism is dead I think, people are realising they need less and less.

Chickpea said...

Such awful news about your cousin and her husband, so young. My mum had all sorts of plans for when she retired and never made it to retirement so I really do believe in doing what you want NOW, or else it may never happen. Our move out into the country is part of that.

Sol said...

Hi Chickpea, that is what the other funeral I went to, 64, 4 months off of retirement. Cancer again. I am coming to live in your area... Poldark country!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Seize the moment I think is what they say.

Sol said...

Hi Sue, for sure. Grab every moment and strangle the life out of it! Hope you are well

Janie Junebug said...

I'm sorry about the losses your family has experienced. I wonder how many people die of broken hearts although the death certificate states something else. Probably a lot, don't you think?


Annie's Journal said...

So sorry to hear about the sad news in your family:(
I completely agree with you about being free from mortgage. Mortgage itself sounds like a death sentence already...thus, people have to push themselves to work hard and sacrifice a quality life for 'the debt'!! On the other hand, I don't think retirement should mean not doing anything..we are meant to gives meaning to living and it keeps us going...but definitely not referring to work that is twinned with stress!
Wishing you all the best of plan and freedom for the days ahead:)

northsider said...

Sorry Sol. We have got to grab the moment. Hope your plans work out for you. Look forward to reading all about it.

Sol said...

Janie, I am sure thats what it was. Since they met, they have never been apart. They had been together for 30 years, and had a business together. In each others company 24 hours a day.

Annie, mortgage means death pledge. Pay it till you die. We are thinking buy a small house and a business. We a have a long time till we retire. I am just touching 38, I have another 27 years to work. That is if they leave it at 65 to retire, but I had a pension statement that said I would probably work till 72. If so, it will before myself if possible, not someone else. We will be fine, I am sure. We just need to get out of here.

Hi Dave, its been a terrible year. And sometimes you need that push or shove, that jumps you off of your present tracks, to new ones leading somewhere completely different. We have to try and do something. No be paralysed by fear. Onwards, one step at a time.

Tricky Wolf said...

sorry to hear of your loss, these things always make us re-evaluate our own mortality.

YOLO! this is not a test run, chase your dreams and live without regrets. Glad to hear you are moving up your retirement plans can't wait to hear about your adventures

Sol said...

Hi Tricky Wolf, nothing as daring as you and Carly. We will be moving home. Well home to me. We are moving to the sea. I grew up by the sea and the Mr had a stint there himself as a teenager between posh schools...

You can watch us and we will watch you. Sounds a bit weird doesnt it. As I have said in comments above, we will by a small place mortgage free hopefully. Start a business hopefully or buy a business - we have to see what is about. And then save up to buy some land nearby. I think a lot of people are starting to think like us. Less about things more about how you live and how heavily you are treading on the earth. only stipulation with the house, is it must have a large garden. Eric runs around and likes to be out most of the time. And we would also like a garage. We have proved with this house, you can make anything you want of the house (with in planning). But you cant change where it is, or the plot it is on. That is more important than an old kitchen and bathroom. We will seee where it takes us.

Jules said...

I'm sorry to read of your loss. You are right to seize an opportunity. To be mortgage free is half the battle. X

Sol said...

Hi Jules, no point doing a job you dont like to pay for a house you dont like, in a place you dont like. When you can sell it and do what ever you need to do, just to pay for food and utilities. A mortgage is a game changer. My friend pays just over £1k a month on their mortgage, to live in a post code that is aspirational. It makes her happy, it makes me sad. I hope you are well!