Monday 17 October 2016

Read Along Book Vote

Hello, Not many ideas were forth coming for the book titles that we could read. I have therefore taken the liberty to consult the Grand Google and ask for some classics we could read. The books are



North & South

Mansfield Park

Please use the voting buttons at the top on the right side bar.  (can you believe I worked out how to add it? LOL)


Stephanie Faris said...

I've never read any of those. I feel bad about it!

Anonymous said...

I shall wait until the choice changes, m'dear, I don't fancy any of these.

lovelygrey said...

Would vote nut won't have time to tead. Probably Middle march would be my choice. xx

Raybeard said...

Although I've read all of them I think the George Eliot is the only one I don't still have, which would mean buying it again - a slightly more problematic thing to do than it might be for others. But there you go.

Elaine said...

Just voted - based on nothing more than the fact that, by coincidence, I got a copy of this particular book two days ago, from a charity shop. However, whichever one wins, I'll read along.

local alien said...

Well done Sol. Always amazing (for me) to work out how to put something new on the blog. Also amazing I worked out how to use your new device. I have voted.

Sol said...

Hi Stephanie, here is your chance to read the books! Join in! We will love it.

Hello Toffeeapple. Oh, thats a shame, I picked the ones voted best on the list. We will be reading Dickens for the next book before Christmas.

Hi Lovelygrey, thats a shame that you wont have time. Maybe for another book. You might like one of the titles and like to join in.

Hi Ray, lets see how the votes go! How exciting!!!!!!!! lots of !!!!!!!

Hey Elaine, OMG how cool. Already got the book! Its fate.

Hi Linda, lol I broke the template and lost the side bar and faffed around for an hour to put it right! urgh Blogger!!! lol

Thank you for voting everyone!

Sol said...

And I just want to say "WOW", you are all up before me. I thought I was early at 5am. But to be able to get up and type early is amazing! How cool is that.

Raybeard said...

Sol, I've now found my copy of 'Middlemarch' which, I see, I've only read the once, and that being as recently as 2007, though I now recall very little of it. Maybe once I get started again.......But let's not jump the gun before the vote concludes.

You've really set my mind on fire. Could suggest so many more books to read. Another time maybe, otherwise I'll overwhelm your own blog, which is hardly fair. But I'm waiting for someone to suggest a 'classic' they like which I haven't yet read - unfortunately, my having had so many more years to read than most, there are precious few of those left!

Sol said...

Hi Ray, I am glad it has inspired you. If we do end up starting with North and South, it will be a Christmas Carol for Nov/Dec. Then I think we will give Lolita a whirl for Dec/Jan. I think after this vote, we should have another vote on the Jan/Feb book. Unless people would like to read Middlemarch. Which I havent read yet. Then we can throw a newer book in and then back to the classics I think. I havent read many of them at all. I am looking forward to it.

Raybeard said...

I'd better start looking for 'North & South' then. I've a feeling I may have read my sister's copy at her house when I was visiting - she's 300 miles away - but I'll have a rummage.

Sol said...

Ohhh its level pegging with Mansfield park now! Hold off buying anything. it finishes on the 20th. Lets see what happens.

Jules said...

I would love to be able to join in but unfortunately I don't have the time at the moment. I think it's a fantastic idea though. X

Sol said...

Hi Jules, although you dont have time now maybe another month? All are very welcome!

northsider said...

I would probably go for North and South Sol. Never read any off the list but I have read other books by some of the authors. Please give us a bit of notice to get the book because I might have to travel to get it.

Sol said...

Hi Dave, have you voted? Do you have a kindle? I think it maybe free?