Monday 17 October 2016

Book Roulette

Greetings, hello...

Thinking about the read along, could anyone who would like to join in, please leave a comment with the name of a book and author. You can name any you would like us to read, or as many as you can think of.  I will then put up a post tomorrow, that we can vote on and decide the book.

Comment now!

woo hoo


local alien said...

Hi Sol, I would like to join but don't know if I can get the book you'll all be reading. Not recommending, just waiting to see.

Sol said...

Well, maybe if you have a kindle, we could make it a classic and then you can get it free as a download from Amazon? I would like to read something fast and then read the Christmas Carol, pre-Christmas

northsider said...

Sounds a good idea to select a classic Sol.

local alien said...

I can download from Amazon.did think of this, just make em cheap lol! Xmas carol...don't think I have ever actually read it. I'll look that up now.

local alien said...

Oof I am a careless reader! Yes to classics which are free. Always looking out for those

Raybeard said...

The last book I read that really blew me away (about 5 years ago) - and it's likely to be ultra-controversial, this - was Nabokov's 'Lolita'. Yes, I'm sorry that some are going to be offended about the choice because of its subject matter (an adult male falling for a pre-pubescent girl), but I did find his utter mastery of language quite breathtaking. It gripped me right from the start and astonished me all the more because I'd been putting off reading anything of the author's for many decades for the simple reason that he had a reputation of being a rabid homophobe. Investigation seems to indicate that it's not quite as clear-cut as I'd thought; some maintaining the opinion I'd be led to believe was true, others that it's all been over-hyped. Whatever the reality, it'd be my choice. Whether there'd be enough support to back it is entirely another matter.

Btw: For the last six years or so I've been reading the Dickens Xmas stories every December, so I know them pretty well by now. There's half a dozen of them, all quite short, 'Carol', of course, being the most substantial. Not sure yet whether I'll do the same this year, though.

Sol said...

Hey Dave, a classic to get started. Some people dont read as much as I do, I dont want people to have to go out and spend a fortune. I am hoping that doing this I will get out of my rut of reading young adult fiction. lets see what happens

Local Alien, is there anything you would like to read?

Hi Ray, for sure I will add it to the poll, if not the first book, maybe we could read it in January? After Dickens...

local alien said...

I'm easy. I'll read anything as long as it's English.

Sol said...

L-A, sorry I dont know your name. It will for sure be in English! LOL I can just about say my name in French... oh and septic tank. foss septique - that is phonetic before anyone corrects me!

local alien said...

Sorry Sol. Name is Linda, local Greek/kiwi but always an alien.

Elaine said...

I haven't read any Dickens for several decades, so I'm looking forward to reading A Christmas Carol. I am enjoying is your enthusiasm for the project!

Sol said...

Hi Linda!

Hey Elaine, I think I am going to google some good classics to get us started, and Ray's suggestion. I am open to anything as I want to get out of a rut

Anonymous said...

For reasonably priced second hand books I recommend Abe Books or Awesome Books. I get a lot of my 20th Century womens' writers from these.

I am not fond of Dickens unless it is Monica but I do like Whipple, Wharton, Crompton (not the William books) D E Stevenson etc.

Looking forward to see who decides what to read...