Wednesday 12 October 2016


I am suffering from a really sweet tooth at present.  I was caught by the builder yesterday. with a slice of fresh bread and enough honey on it for probably 3 sandwiches.  It was delicious.

Honey is really expensive to buy from the shops.  I am lucky enough that my BIL has 4 hives and he kindly gives me surplus stock!

I am trying to make it all last as long as possible.  lol  8 jars.  That will probably only last till the end of next week!  Yum

A call for a real {Father Ted}.   I miss TV programmes like Father Ted, {here} is a clip from one of my favourite episodes.


Chickpea said...

So funny, thanks for sharing, I loved Father Ted

northsider said...

Hi Sol. I have met many Mrs Doyles: "Ah go on, go on..." Years ago we would visit some Irish aunt or family friend and be given a mountain of sandwiches and try to hold a cup of tea in a china cup with out spilling it all over the carpet. Happy days.

local alien said...

Local honey straight from the hives is the very best. That's what we have...a kilo of it sitting on the bench right now. On fresh bread it's fantastic. Keep eating. It's so healthy.

Patricia (La Chatte Gitane) said...

Honey is so good. We have a beehive but never used it. We first should learn a thing or two about beekeeping. Some day, hopefully before all the bees have gone extinct.
What's with your title "Honingbij" ? :)

Sol said...

Morning Chickpea, I love Father Ted and lots of programmes from that era!

Ha Ha Dave I think everyone went through that. I have a God parent, who I had to visit, same thing but she had a painting that the eyes used to follow you around the room. I used to end up going home in tears. In the end she put a cloth over it and covered it up when I went there.

Hi Local Alien, I love sweet stuff! lol

Hey there Patricia, honingbij, its Dutch for honey bee. Its stamped on my BIL's hives, my cousin in the Netherlands helped him buy the hives from there, as they are of very good quality apparently.

Jules said...

I've never watched Father Ted. Looks funny. I do enjoy honey though. I try and buy locally produced from the farm shop. X

Sol said...

Hi jules, Father Ted is quite funny. A little bit like Allo Allo. Yeah, for sure I am lucky to be given honey.

Patricia (La Chatte Gitane) said...

Haha! I know it's Dutch for honey bee. My native language is Dutch/Flemish. I was just wondering why 'you' used it. It's a cute explanation. :)

Sol said...

Hey Patricia, I dont speak Dutch, I can swear and ask where the kitchen is. lol Although my paternal side of the family Dutch descendants and still have a lot of family there. Particularly around the Arnheim area