Wednesday 13 August 2014

weird week

its been a weird week

I don't have anything to say

still no house

ive started packing the bits that the removal men wont pack

yep this is getting real now

my friend offered me a cardboard box in her garden to live in... I might have to take her up on it

Thursday 7 August 2014


upper Canada village
the house search continues.

still no house or land.

we are running out of time, October is coming up fast.

2 houses to look at this weekend, fingers crossed.

what are you up to this weekend?

Monday 4 August 2014

When I ...

when I feel like I really need a holiday, like I do right now.  I have taken to looking at this picture.  It was taken on a rotting boat in halong bay.  Ive said before, this was the worst holiday off my life, (this was the only chair on the boat that wasn't broken, there were 10 people and 1 seat, this is the tip of the iceberg of awfulness in Vietnam, ripped off,  touched by weird men, awful food... I could go on and on...).

So I look at this picture and the need goes away.  I would say this picture has saved me thousands of pounds...