Friday 22 September 2017

Annoyed with myself.

I typed out a huge review of the read along book and then some how - read *user error*, I deleted it by accident.

Please wait till I get it back together!  

*Everyone sway*

This is my Eden, for this is my Cornwall and this is my home.

Fishermen's Friend

Wednesday 20 September 2017

And we are back!

Hooray we have the internet! It didnt come on until late yesterday, I have tried to read as much as I can and will be back to comment as soon as I can.  

The dogs are beside themselves at the moment, firstly because of the garden.  They have found away to escape through the boundary.  And second, because even if I take the bin bag out, they go wild when I come back in as if I have been away for a week.  The new house has some noises that they havent heard before and we now have neighbours that you can see and hear from the house and garden.  Its all new and they will get used to it.  As will I.

I hope you are all well.  

Speak soon.

p.s. Ray I have been reading the book and should finish today, ready for tomorrow.

Monday 4 September 2017

Cornwall! Ha

Welcome to Cornwall, land of fog, mist and drizzle!

Waiting for the keys.

Trying to blog from my phone.  Very hard.

Saturday 2 September 2017

No internet

I am unable to blog much from my phone.

See you in a few weeks.