Thursday 28 February 2019


Blogger has now decided I am allowed to add my own pictures again...  I dont get it some times...

Tree surgeons here this week.  Super pleased they had good weather as they were able to take down all of the trees that were diseased or dangerously touching the house and roof. 

We now have plenty of wood to split, wood stores to build and to let it all season for a few years.  In the mean time I hope that winter doesnt decide to arrive this year and we transition straight to spring.  Lets hope for a summer like last year with lovely high temperatures, or as high as they can be in Scotland.  


northsider said...

I bet your range would like some of those logs Sol? I hope we have a great Summer too.

local alien said...

Our sin came out today too. Beautiful weather, perfect for walks and work.
Hope summer is warm and dry for all of us and spring appears darn quick

Sol said...

Hey Dave, I am really scared to try and light the range. when the chimney man comes we may try then.

Hey Linda, I cant wait to be warmer, I am cold a lot of the time

Elaine said...

Hi Sol, Have I inadvertently offended you in some way? I have left a few comments recently, none of which seem to have been published.

Sol said...

Hey Elaine, no you havent offended me, sorry I didnt publish the commoent as it had your email address in it and I havent gotten around to emailing you yet for the instructions. No offence, just not a lot of time at present. I will email later when I get a chance. It was only the one comment, if there were more they have been stopped by blogger?

Elaine said...

I guess blogger has been up to its tricks again then, the others must have disappeared into the ether. No problem with the delay, I am not likely to be here much for a few weeks anyway. Looks like you live in a beautiful old house.

Sol said...

Hi Elaine, hope you have some lovely time off. We have had furniture delivered, antiques, unfortunately they have wood worm I am having to sort that and decorate. Not much fun right now