Friday 28 November 2014

Two Posts in One Day? Wow

I have just seen {THIS}.  What is going on?

This is completely crazy.  

People be crazy.  

I walked to the park and back.  I have spent nothing today.  

Was I the only one to not part with my cash?


Sue in Suffolk said...

Our spending today = NOTHING too

Nora said...

Nope! I've spent nada....and I enjoyed doing it...or not! Shops are exactly the thing I would avoid today..bonkers!

Sorry to read about your house fail :( But just believe that it wasn't right for you and when Casa Perfecto pops up, you will succeed xx

Sol said...

hey Sue, it looks crazy!

Nora, it looks so dangerous. Why should the police have to be stationed at shops? Shouldnt they be getting burglars or something?

Thanks, we will find a house. it is just going to take time.

nick said...

I don't understand why people go completely crazy and fight other people just to get a discounted TV. Glad to say I haven't seen any such bedlam in Belfast!

John Going Gently said...

I bought a cheeseburger
No riots at the drive in

Sol said...

Nick seriously, unless you are 20 and just starting out with a house, I cant believe that all these people fighting over them dont have another tv in the house already. I am not sure what is so special about them. Maybe I am just so far the other way that I am ignorant of why they are special other than cheap?

John lol I hope you got the dogs some chicken nuggets!

Anonymous said...

Crowds scare me.

nick said...

Sol, here's a great quote from the Guardian: "Louise Haggerty, a hairdresser and waitress shopping at 1 am at a Sainsbury's in north-east London said "I got a Dyson but I don't even know if I want it. I just picked it up." Bonkers.

Sol said...

Susie, I can cope on the streets in London no problem. but people grabbing for stuff in shops seems absolutely silly to me.

Nick I dont doubt that idiots are buying stuff just for the sake of it all. it is the fact they think they are getting a bargain.

Raybeard said...

Yes, charming. I've heard of the 'Christmas spirit' but you're not supposed to get DRUNK on it.

Sol said...

Ray are there people going silly there as well? people just seem to go crazy over christmas.

Anonymous said...

I stayed indoors, I hate crowds and I didn't need anything anyway.

Sol said...

Hey Toffeeapple, glad you are safe, Ive watched some of the you tubes. If it was for food and everyone was starving I could understand it. but knocking people to the ground and running over them for a tv set is crazy. what next?

Chickpea said...

It must have been terrifying for the poor staff having to work.

Sol said...

Hi ya Chickpea, I agree absolutely disgusting how people were acting. I actually think now that if the shops are going to do black friday they should pay the police or a security firm to police the situation. The police should be doing their job else where not stopping people from rolling around the floor fighting for a TV.

What with this and self serving check outs I am going to start boycotting shops! lol