Saturday 21 June 2014

Happy Solstice Everyone

Scheduled post


Shady Del Knight said...

Thanks, Sol. You, too! Awesome pictures!

Raybeard said...

Thank you, Sol - but even moreso to you on this, your very own 'Name-day'!

Harry Flashman said...

We went to Stonehenge on a visit once, but we didn't go when all the druids and flower children and new age folks were there. That would have been fun.

kymber said...

Sol - we always celebrate the solstices as well in our own little unique way. regardless of whether it is raining or sunny or snowing - we run around the yard naked and give thanks for the solstice! today was sunny and cloudy and we did our little happy dance for longest day of the year. we're pretty knackered from doing a whole pile of planting all week - so this afternoon we are celebrating with a bunch of good food, a movie and a nap. i hope that you enjoy a wonderful solstice, too!

your friend,

Anonymous said...

And to you!

nick said...

It would be a great setting for an open-air theatre performance....

Sol said...

Hey Shady, those pictures are from a few years ago. there is a visitors centre and the road has been moved since then.

Ray, I have been to the Solstice twice. Once the sun is up people look a bit bewildered as to what to do. like the sun is going to shout out "Ta Daaaaaaa!" lol

Harry, there are lots of youngsters who haven't a clue what it is all about. The Druids sure are dedicated. it is nice to see so many people being happy together, brought together just to watch the sun.

Kymber, I hope you had a lovely solstice.

Hi Toffeeapple, long time no see. I hope you had a lovely day

Nick, it would be fantastic wouldn't it.