Sunday 29 June 2014

Come on Ketchup

I have summer malaise. 

I fell behind on everything and had one hell of a job to catch up.

We went and saw another house on Friday.  Wow wee.  They used come creative camera work there.  Absolutely in no way workable.  Reversing out of a driveway on to a AMAZINGLY fast road is not something I would want to do every day.  No way uh huh.

It had all the room we needed from the house but the land and the proximity of the neighbours, who actually waved to us from their kitchen window, whilst I was wandering in the lounge, nope not for me. 

As soon as I saw the drive way, well that was it. 

I normally get a bit shouty at the TV when people on Location, Location, Location don't even want to go in to the house.  That was me.  I didn't even want to get out of the car.  it took us over an hour to get there and by the time I got out I was hopping mad at the estate agent who apparently had looked at our NEED list.  It is now turning into a DEMAND list.

Which bit of I want a piece of land that just happens to have a house on it, do they not get.  They are so desperate to sell that they show you stupid houses.  There have only been 7 houses put on the market in the last 5 months that have the land we want.  I am starting to give up and think I need to go back to asking the neighbour to sell us her house.  the problem is I have convinced myself that we need to move.

First world problems I keep telling myself.  Be more grateful.

What else has happened.  Well the hot weather and the rain have made the garden crazy.

What was with those crazy rain down pours yesterday?  Seriously it made holes in the courgette plants.

What is your news?


Molly Printemps said...

Hi Sol. The neighbours waving from their kitchen window would have done it for me as well - lol! You do have to kick ass with Estate Agents sometimes don't you?

Best wishes from Carol

Anonymous said...

The only "veggie" I've consumed in days, has been prepackaged guacamole.

Impressed??? :-)

Raybeard said...

What's our news? Well, compared with your own eventful life there's nothing that's worth mentioning - or, more accurately, just nothing.
Hope you'll at long last get that 'home of your dreams' without much more waiting and exasperations.

Dani said...

LOL the joys of house hunting. No for the faint hearted, but hang in there - you WILL find your property through whittling through the riff-raff.

Perhaps you need to change your estate agent - this one obviously does not have your best interests / requirements at heart...?

Sol said...

Hey Carol, *le sigh*, it is a pain isn't it. we have never had this problem finding a house before

Susie, that is amazing! What about potatoes?

Ray I have to compromise. Something has got to go from the list

Hi ya Dani, over here people sell their houses through an estate agent and the people buying go to eat estate agent and ask them to look at the house they have seen on the internet. the estate agent works for the seller not the buyer. Although I think we need to start doing things more like in the US where you have your own estate agent to help out

nick said...

Tell me about it. Estate agents are always so desperate to sell (they're usually on commission, I think) they'll go to absurd lengths to persuade you that the place they're showing is just what you had in mind. All you can do is persist and keep rejecting the unsuitables until you find what you want. And you will find it eventually.

My news? A 92 year old mother who's just out of hospital and being cantankerous with everyone who tries to help her. But that's another story.

Harry Flashman said...

I wish you lived in the states. There are plenty of homes here in the mountains, with land and water, that are simply falling down because the bank took them back in the 2007 financial disaster, and can't get rid of them.

Sol said...

Nick, wow I feel your pain. It will blow one way or the other. Wont accept help to constantly saying they don't want to be a bother which means they are more of a bother. I wish her a speedy recovery for both of you

Harry, we are so short of land in this country in areas where there is work. We are having to compromise more than I thought we would have to

Caroline said...

*Rolling my eyes at all the estate-agent-hate*

As my husband, who is an estate agent of many years' experience, always says, 'if you can't find what you're looking for within a reasonable time, within your budget, you need to readjust your requirements or your budget.'

I think there's a lot of truth in that.

On a more helpful note, possibly, have you thought about looking elsewhere or further afield? I don't know how practical that would be for you, but maybe there would be a wider choice.

Gillian Roe said...

Oh wow, you have been busy! House hunting, I always imagine it's fun but when you have to move and so much is at stake, I guess it's stressful. I really hope you find somewhere that suits you. x

Sol said...

hey Caroline, this estate agent was about 20 no older. I asked constantly on the phone about access and about the land.

The pictures were done with not only a wide angled lense but as the house next door is also owned by the same people they had actually gone inside the other house to take the pictures out of the window, of the drive and the front garden. making it look like the garden next door was also belonging to this house.

it was also impossible to tell from the street view what it was like as there are dense trees at the entrance and the google earth map doesn't even show the new house that was the one with the neighbours waving at me. They have only just built it and are selling their original home. so the plot looked huge. I really don't care about the state of the house. Its all about the land and the location. There just aren't any properties even looking 300k over our price limit there isn't anything. Unfortunately any further out and we wont be able to get to work to pay for the damn thing. We are ok, we still have this house. something will come along I just want to get going.

This next house will be our 14th. We aren't worried about the moving part or about any paperwork. We dont even pack, we pay the removers.

I am just so ticked off at that estate agent as I asked loads of questions and wasted 2 hours driving.

Sol said...

Hi ya Gillian, we will be fine, I was just really miffed that we drove so far for nothing.