Wednesday 29 March 2017



 I saw {this} on a blog I came across, I am going to try and do something like this, although my crafting skills are really low.  I may have to just use envelopes we already have.  I am thinking that this is a really good way of keeping to a budget on our date nights.  I am also loving a lot of the makes on that blog and am looking forward to trying some of the other things that I have seen.  People are so generous with their ideas and taking pictures for instructions.  Bloggers are pretty cool arent they.

If you are taking part in the read along, keep going!  I know it is a really long read, I have managed 200 pages so far.  Phew, only what feels like another billion more to go!  


Janie Junebug said...

The date night card box is cool. I've never read Middlemarch. I read Adam Bede by the same author for a class on the history of the British novel.


Sol said...

Hey Janie, I will have to look that book up further. Middlemarch is 900 odd pages long. woozers! lol I didnt know that when looking for books! Silly really. Feel free to join in if you have the time. We wont discuss it till the 21st April.

Janie Junebug said...

I'm editing a book so that takes up most of my reading time. No 900-page Middlemarch for me. Its length is probably the reason the professor didn't choose it for our class.


Raybeard said...

I'm also at 200 pages on the George Eliot - but it's 200 from the end! Have to confess it's something of a trial even though it's my second read of it (and very little seeming familiar).
But, the end is just coming over the horizon now. (Hooray!)

Gillian Roe said...

Thanks for directing us to that blog, so many great ideas! I love the date night box, it's a lovely idea. I would need to spend about £50 on crafting supplies first though...

Sol said...

Hey Janie, maybe one day you will have a chance. It is a little slow going but I am into it now.

Hello Ray, the end is in sight. Keep going!!!

Hi Gillian, I think there are some really good things on that blog. For sure you could buy a box if needed, but I am just going to get some of the envelopes I already have and doodle a little on them. I have a very low craft level, so I will take the idea and dial it back a few notches.