Monday 23 January 2017

Listen very carefully she will say it only once...

Another sad day, Gordon Kaye, who played Rene in Allo Allo, has passed away.  


local alien said...

That was a damn good show. Another actor bites the dust RIP

Janie Junebug said...

I don't know who that is, but I'm sorry you're sad. We're sad, too.


Sol said...

Linda, it was a good programme wasnt it. It was interesting the first time The Mr's German Step Father saw it. He didnt get it at all, it was quite uncomfortable. They didnt allow it in Germany till recently.

Hey Janie, it was a TV show from when we were kids. It would seem everyone from my childhood is dying. It brings your own mortality into sharp relief, doesnt it.

Tracy said...

I used to love this :)

Sol said...

Hi Tracy, I used to love it as well, I have the box set. Its the candle with the handle, with the pill in the till.