Thursday 12 January 2017

Green Goddess

My pedometer that came free years ago with a box of cereal (special K I think), broke.  The belt clip made of plastic, finally snapped, came free of my belt and hit the flag stones at work.  Smashed into about 20 pieces.  

One of the cleaners raced to help me pick up the bits.  She laughed when helping, "This thing is ancient.  Nearly as old as me!!!", (she is 67 and spritely).  "Look at this", she said.  "I can change the wristbands and when I go home it tells me my heart rate and calories used in the day".  Gleefully swishing her wrist around to show that it didnt fall off.  "You need to get with this century".

As you can tell by my blog, I am not up on all of the latest gadgets and gizmos.  I am missing peoples new blog posts as Blogger has changed the format and I forget to scroll down to click on the link, where before I didnt need to.  It would seem I am rather set in my ways and like things that I like.

Now I am unable to ride my bike and I am looking down the slope towards 40, I need even more to be on top of exercise and health.  Do you have a Fitbit?  Or something similar?  Are they worth it?  I dont want something that I wear for 2 weeks and then put into a drawer.  Would I be better getting another pedometer?

Thoughts please in the comments, I look forward to reading them.

p.s. I ate half a packet of ginger biscuits for breakfast.  Not having a kitchen is going to adversely affect my food in take.  I normally make overnight oats with almond milk.  No fridge and soot still in the air means I dont want to make it...  I think I am going to get some porridge and bring it to work.


Tom Stephenson said...

From a male perspective, I have always thought that you only need to be as fit as your activities need you to be, with a little in reserve for the rainy days. Also from a male perspective, if you think your bum looks big in that, then it probably is.

Sol said...

Hi Tom, unfortunately the fashion is now for big bums. So much so, they sell what look like the cycling shorts with the padding in them to give your bum some oomph. I dont have much of a bum it is rather flat :( apparently it should resemble a peach? I used to be really fit. Not so much now. Your job is super physical isnt it?

I was fitter when I lived in London, I walked everywhere and was up and down ladders on building sites. I have noticed 'the ladies that lunch' do yoga on the village green when the weather is dry. I must think about seeing if I can join in. I have thought about pilates to help with strength, but it looks like torture? ha ha. Oh for Pippa Middletons bottom! (that was sculpted with pilates she said in an interview once) Hope you are keeping warm

northsider said...

Hi Sol, Walking is great for keeping fit and you don't feel odd if you take the dog with you.

Sol said...

Hey Dave, I did used to walk a lot. I need to get back into it. Its quite hard at the moment as I have to drag the puppy at the moment. We need to get her into walking and chasing a ball. At present she is like a mule and I have to drag her a little. Hope you are warm!

Tracy said...

Hi Sol
Funny you mention this as my work place are starting the couch to 5k challenge and I have signed up. I am physically strong due to everything I do but I can't run for toffee and I should get fitter as there's too much relying on me to be fit and healthy (animals, kids, etc). My friend has a fit bit and she loves to know what's what with herself. I don't have spare cash for things like that at the moment but I guess if I did I'd be interested to see what I was pre the couch to 5k and post it - to monitor improvement. Apart from that I wouldn't use one I don't think.
Take care!

Sol said...

Hi Tracy, I am quite health conscious most of the year round. Hence I monitor my walking, I do swim 3 times a week for 3/4 hour at a time. I have a diary that I use it write in each day, the amount of steps, estimated distance and the amount of lengths I do at the pool. I also write all of the food I have eaten. It sounds excessive, but I had a weight problem a few years ago and it scared me.

Jules said...

My honest opinion of these gadgets is not to bother unless you are really driven by the facts and figures they produce. My other half is obsessed with his heart rate monitor, whereas I can just feel if my exercise has done me any good. X

Sol said...

Hey Jules, I cant work out if it is just a gimmick or if I would use it.

Tom Stephenson said...

Setting up a 'reply' button is simple... I think. Well I did it, so it must be. Maybe you have to trust your readers and disable 'comment moderation' beforehand?

Sol said...

Hi Tom, I have thought about it. I like the moderation as it makes sure I reply to everyone, if people are nice enough to comment, I should reply. I'm not able to reply to comments throughout the day, so at present I think this suits. I completely take on board that many people dont like the moderation and accept that maybe I am not getting as many comments as I could be. I am completely ok with that. I am happy to write my bits and bobs, if people read and dont comment, thats great. If they comment, thats really nice as well. In the future when I am not working so much I may change it. At present I am quite happy with the format.

Thanks for your comment :)

Kev Alviti said...

I've just started doing over night oats and loving them!
As for a fit bit or what ever they're called I've never had one. Never been to a gym either, don't think they'd suit me!

Sol said...

Hey Kev, overnight oats save so much time and easy to prepare. I am not sure I will get on with a fitbit. I like the idea but probably wont use all of the features. I dont have an iphone or anything other than a laptop to link it to. I'm not quite sure if it is a gimmick or if I would find it beneficial.

Sammie Skint said...

Found you whilst wombling along on FAST blog, made me chuckle reading your post so shall follow with interest, ginger nuts for breakfast? hells teeth sounds like something i would do but wouldnt admit too lol ;)
sammie xx

Poppypatchwork said...

I love my fitbit, it does make you want to do your steps each day. Plus the display is instance.

Sol said...

Hi Sammie, I love womble-ing things. Lots of things in my house are things that other people would junk but I love! lol I think some people think it is just because I am a skin flint with money, but not only that, I love reusing stuff and giving it a new purpose. We have most of the wood from our roof in the garage and green house (who ever built this house a green house it that gets no sun! lol they didnt think that through did they). if we dont use it my neighbour is an artist and makes lots of sculptures with what others see as rubbish. If not they could chop it up and burn it.

Ha Ginger biscuits especially the budget ones from Lidl are addictive! Plus I tell myself I am saving on washing up. It has been problematic to say the least at present. But I am hoping it will all add to selling the house. Eat ginger biscuits and be merry I say!!! Drop of tea wouldnt hurt either! Thanks for the comment. Welcome aboard!

Hey Marlene, I dont really know many people who have got them. Do you have to link them to a computer or tablet to see the data? I am not great with things that require other input

Gillian Roe said...

It seems like all my colleagues have Fitbits and I can see the appeal, but I think I would become a real bore and check it constantly. Also, I really like the watch I wear, and don't really want to change that. But I would like to know how much walking I do each day. Maybe an old fashioned pedometer is what I need. x

Sol said...

Hey Gillian, how are you? I hope you are all well and doing well with the dog.

I am also the same, I would be constantly checking it and getting stressed if I didnt think it was enough or less than the day before. Its part of the reason that I am not on facebook, instagram, I cant control myself with things like that and would be on them all the time checking and would get nothing done. I am thinking a new pedometer also.