Tuesday 15 September 2015

Lets Be Very British & Talk About The Weather


Was it me, or was the weather completely crazy, yesterday.  Blue sky then the sky went purple black and the rain came down so hard it was bouncing back up to knee height.  Then the wind came and loads of trees now do not have any leaves now.  The wind has ripped them off.  Then the wind would stop and the rain.  Then this would repeat throughout the whole of the day.

And to add insult to injury, as I had to sit most of the day in wet clothes being caught out in the rain.  I then drove home with the craziest drivers on the planet.  And I have been to Ho Chi Min City and Hanoi with all the mopeds driving at you.  Some people are just stupid.

Has the weather been bad where you are?


Unknown said...

Oh yes, i haven't been able to do the washing for days as i couldn't put it out because the weather has been so rotten! :( i've just given in and put it on the airer.
Our village has it's own climate though, gale force winds as we are so exposed on a hill, and the next minute bright hot sunshine! :)

Sol said...

Gosh it sounds as bad as where we are. We are at the top of a hill. The wind blew some of our trees down, the first week we moved in.

I cant find your blog? Can you leave a link please, I would like to read yours. thanks

Unknown said...

luckily our place doesn't have any trees, i don't think i could cope with adding broken windows to the list of things wrong with the house lol
My blog is here :) xx

kymber said...

the weather here has been beautiful. i can't speak from experience as i am sleeping in fits and starts due to the new puppy. we are sleeping on her schedule. up for 20 minutes of exercise and then down for 3 hours. plus eating. this is worse than having a baby!

but we do love her. jam's parents coming from ottawa (3,000 kms away) on thursday evening and the house is completely upside down. oh man!

your friend,

Anonymous said...

It poured here recently. I put out my buckets and thought of you.

Sol said...

MEOD, Cool I think I have commented on your blog before.

Kymber and there was me thinking you were training the dog not the dog training you.

Susie, lol I have buckets in the garage at the moment. Really crazy weather here it is supposed to be the tail end of Huricane Henry

Harry Flashman said...

Just cooler and drier than normal for this time of year. Sounds like at least the weather was exciting there.

Raybeard said...

Quite a bit of rain and wind here, Sol, but nothing we haven't seen before.
Now some are saying that we're going to have the coldest Winter for 50 years or more. Ha! I'll believe it when I see it. D'you remember about last April we were told that there was going to be a two-month long heatwave with droughts? Every damn year we get these apocalyptic forecasts and when they don't transpire people forget they were ever made. Of course one of these years they are bound to be right - as long as it's not this time, please.

Sol said...

Hey Harry, exciting? Localised flooding. And extremely bad drivers. Silly weather and silly people. No piglets flying attached to scarves though.

Ray, the rain bouncing back up so far was weird. I drove home through hail and thunder today. And Ray you know I hate snow. if it does snow I am not leaving the house I am too scared to drive the country roads here. could slide off the road into the ditch or hedge here very easily. We keep saying I may have to change car as mine is so light. I would rather go by bus if I have to. I hope you are right, all a load of hot wind....

Anonymous said...

Hey Sol, I shut down my blog long term. Made it private so I wouldn't have to delete. Bye for now!

Hot guys said...

Awww, love the photo of Winnie... <3

Harry Flashman said...

Sol, are you still alive? It would be really disappointing if you gave up blogging. I have always enjoyed your posts.