Monday 5 January 2015

Nothing today

Mermaid from Harry Potter
Nothing to say today.  Need to do a shopping list and give the vacuum cleaner a work out.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.


nick said...

Perhaps the shopping list should include hair control products for the mermaid. No, come to think of it, her hair is just fine as it is. I just love big hair.

Sol said...

Ha Ha Nick her hair probably just needs a good conditioner. I know mine gets crazy with out conditioner.

Unknown said...

I loved HP world but your pictures are far better than the fuzzy wuzzy lot I managed to take. Thanks for the advice, someone else mention bike cameras as a means of proof x

Sol said...

Hi Julee, I would have freaked out on the woman. but you need proof so a camera is worth it. see if you can borrow one

northsider said...

Hi Sol. I go outside when the vacuum cleaner gets turned on in our house. Why can't somebody invent a silent one?

Anonymous said...

I can't remeber if that was from the school competition, or the part with Dumbledore drinking all that nasty stuff.

Sol said...

Dave, my dyson stick is fab because i dont have to keep unplugging it it makes it easier and quicker.

Susie its from the film goblet of fire

Harry Flashman said...

That's a nasty looking mermaid. I prefer the beautiful ones, myself.

I am trying to remember where their were mermaids in Harry Potter, but it must have been in one of those parts where I fell asleep in the theater!

Sol said...

Hey Harry, it is when Harry Potter is in the competition for the triwizard cup. He has to eat Gilly weed to breathe under water and save Ron from the bottom of the lake.

Tante Mali said...

Amazing installation!!!
Happy New Year

Sol said...

Hi Elisabeth, yes the Harry Potter world is spectacular. thanks for visiting