Saturday 3 January 2015

Where does it all come from...?

After a quick outing yesterday we tackled our big cupboard in the office.

Where does all the paperwork come from...?  Honest we could have heated the house burning it all.  We dont even get bank statements any more.  Stuff all over.  I cant stand it.  Hagrid's house would make me crazy.

2 carrier bags full for the charity shop, none of it should have been living in there.  Remote control helicopter?  What?

I have {a little crazy eye} going on at the moment as I look at everything and ask myself.  

Do I want you?  Do I need you?

Then I chuck it out anyways.  lol 

Dont forget {yesterdays post}.  Will you join in?


Molly Printemps said...

Sol, I am laughing because I am just like you with mess and clutter. I just can't stand it - it makes me so stressed.


Harry Flashman said...

I think you attic or whatever that is looks great. It looks like a scene from a child's book. I expect only the British could come up with an attic full of such good stuff.

Dani said...

With lots of waste paper from our "office" I try and shred it and add it to our compost heap :)

There's nothing like moving house to help you clear out what you don't use/ need / require anymore - been there, done that :)

Chickpea said...

We did literally heat the house with paperwork over the holidays. I have to keep clients confidential papers for 12 months then dispose of them responsibly so a huge pile of them went on the fire.

lovelygrey said...

In my 24 cubic metres of space that I live I have to be so careful about what stays and what goes so am getting really good at paring stuff down as a go along. It is probably the size of a cupboard in some people's house.

PS: Will be in Brixham next week and badgering those men in the marina office! x

Sol said...

Carol, it makes me act strangely apparently. I defo cant go to bed with the kitchen dirty or things in the sinks. That would make me demented.

Harry, that is Hagrids house from the film Harry Potter. I dont have a dog I wish I did.

We do have an attic but we cant get in there because of insulation. We have what we call the cellar. That isnt very tidy. It has our bikes in there a spare fridge and other bits of stuff. oh my fishing rods. havent gone fishing in ages. I want fly fishing lessons next time I am in Scotland.

Dani, it is the shear amount of it all. hate it.

Chickpea, there was a time when the Mr used to have to collect the news papers left on the train, normally the Metro. so we could use them in the stove. We have enough for a while right in the basket.

Lovely Grey, lol thats is the size of my shed! Due to data protection they probably wont tell you but will let you put up a sign.

kymber said...

Sol - happy 2015 to you and all of yours! i just realized that i don't have you listed in our blogroll! let me know if you would like me to add you!

your friend,

Sol said...

Hey Kymber and Jam, please do add me. I have 'liked' you on your blog so when my blog roll works when I turn my blog on if you have posted it pops up.

I keep meaning to work out how to do a blogroll as a side bar....

Anonymous said...

I don't like mess or clutter, and having moved to a much bigger house with SO MUCH storage space, I now feel like I have to work hard not to keep stuff just because I have the space for it. I have cleared out quite a lot of stuff post-Xmas, and Will's done some in his room today as well, which is good.

Sol said...

Hey Caroline I think everyone is having a clear out!

Anonymous said...

I've heard make three piles...


Throw out


northsider said...

I find you can never have enough sheds Sol. Stuff that we think is rubbish will be probably wanted in the future. I am terrible for collecting things like tractors and old copper and brass ornaments.

Kev Alviti said...

I just wish I could be organised. My one friend has a paper less system but I'm sure I'd still have statements everywhere. Trouble is when it come time to do my accounts I can never find anything!

Sol said...

Hey Kev, you could go paperless and then when you need them print them out from internet banking... ours was just all kinds of crazy stuff.