Wednesday 28 August 2013

Chateau de Pierrefonds -Merlins Castle, France #2

Part 2
Inside the chateau
Now, anyone who has been to French stately homes or castles will know what I mean when I say there is always a bizarre part to it.  There is a castle in Brittany where there is a huge red fridge in an inglenook fire place?  Strange
The man told us in broken English that the reason some of the items are roof top spires, is because the family that owned the chateau were huge in the building trade at one point.  I don't know if that is true.
Now for some displayed objects

spire tops.

More tomorrow... lol


Unknown said...

Thanks for the info. Showed Mr Sft #1 post and he knew straight away it was Merlin's castle.-he was an avid viewer.

I marvel at all the work that has gone into producing such beauty.
A real treasure trove.

Sft x

Sol said...

The stone masons were wonderful weren't they. beats the glass tower blocks they prefer now. Ok so it is probably cold, but give me a castle or limestone building any day. I will be looking up constantly. there is always something that is humourous

John Going Gently said...

Love the standing lion

Sol said...

Hi John I think it is some kind of weather vane