Sunday 29 April 2018

by hand

This is the reason we need to clear the garden by hand.  There are lots of plants hidden in mess.


northsider said...

The green shoots of recovery! Well done for being patient and careful clearing the vegetation.

John Going Gently said...

Ain't THAT the truth

local alien said...

Bravo on uncovering and giving all those plants new life. Hard work but satisfying??

Sol said...

Hey dave! Who would have thought in the brambles we would find a gingko tree

Hey John, it is hard but worth it

Hi Linda, I am very tired, so many scratches, all over even in my ears and down the side of my face. But we need to get back to the boundary lines so we can fence it all in and then keep the dogs safe

Rain said...

That's a beautiful plant! Hand work is tough, but I think if you take it a little at a time, it's worth it...I don't follow my own advice though lol...I work too hard when spring arrives instead of taking my time!! :)