Tuesday 30 January 2018

This is a really interesting link

Hi there, I am blogging from my phone.  Apologies for mistakes.  New to me laptop arriving shortly! 👍

Surely we could do something {like this} in this country? We should be rain capturing and harnessing wind in our own gardens.  No new build house should be built with out, at least solar hot water.  Come on UK, we can do this!

p.s hope you are all well.  I hate post with out pictures but I cant do that on my phone.  See you soon!


DUTA said...

Solar power is indeed the ultimate, optimal power. You need, however, many sunny days a year. So far it's possible only in asian/african countries. We're very lucky to have solar heaters on our roof. Another wonderful device we've got are solar panels near major bus stops. A look on the panel tells us from one minute to another when the bus arrives.

local alien said...

Lovely to see your name back on the list of blog posts.
We have solar hot water but that is all at the moment. Water from the washing machine goes around the garden. Thats all so far

northsider said...

Great to see you back blogging Sol. It looks a wonderful project. Oh for the day when all vehicles are electric powered by electricity made from windmills.

Elaine said...

Lovely to see you back, Sol. Some of the ideas are brilliant, but it also gives me the shudders, it all looks so plastic and artificial, so regimented. A very different different to the UAE I loved for 4 years, but then it would be. Interesting to take elements of it nonetheless.

Tom Stephenson said...

I think we plan do do something similar on Mars.

Raybeard said...

Hi Sol. Just noticed this after half-hour ago I saw your comment on my own last posting, where I've replied there, including some explaining. Just so's you know.