Thursday 15 June 2017


Thinking outside of the box.  I dont really agree with zoos, but this is really clever.


Dani said...

Am so angry.

Our internet went down due to a wildfire (the entire tower was destroyed) so I missed "viewing your house" ;) Only saw the first 4 posts which were amazing.

I love vertical farms - think they are very clever and will definitely figure in the future of mankind.

Sol said...

Hey Dani, I will make it private again for you tomorrow and then you can have a look. Comment back if this is ok? there are another 3 posts I think...

Patricia (La Chatte Gitane) said...

A zoo for plants !?
Only joking.

I've thought about trying aquaponics, but that's only as far as I got. Thinking about it.

And as for zoos, as long as it is about conservation and research primarily, and the animals are in the best environment they can be (in this situation) I'm okay with it.

Sol said...

Hi Patricia, I have been to this zoo many times as a kid. I like the idea that they are growing as much food there as possible. Breeding programmes etc are ok. I just dont really like the idea of anything being caged.

Raybeard said...

Love to see hopes for the future - and there are few enough of those around. This technique looks very promising though they'll need to get their skates on to have enough of it operating to make a viable difference. However, all power to them.

Patricia (La Chatte Gitane) said...

I really do hope that there aren't any zoos out there (in the civilised world) where animals are still caged.
Must admit, I haven't been to a zoo since childhood, and that's an awful long time ago. x

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about the 'private for a week' thing because I am still catching up from my holiday in Scotland!

Dani said...

Thank you Sol - appreciate your offer ;)

Sol said...

Hey Ray, I think this is really something exciting. I cant believe the amount of food I have grown in my little veg patch, if it was vertical! Wow it would be stacks. It is really interesting

Hi Patricia, I think safari parks are different to zoos, well in my head anyways as they are free to roam more. I just dont think there is enough space. I havent been for a while. but I just dont like it.

Hey Toffeeapple, comment with your email I will add you to the list and then go back to private for tomorrow if you like.