Sunday 30 April 2017

Today I...

First thing today, I went to the garden centre, picked up a load of bedding plants and some plants to put into the new veg beds we built.  I had 2 couples (OAP's), clapped me when I got the trees into my little car.  Cheeky git, shouted out "I didnt think you were going to get them in there, I was going to give you instructions!".  The woman piped up "My husband is a retired engineer you know".  I should have replied, but I just gave them the look of "F'ing know it all baby boomers".  I got home and planted them all up.

The veg beds were Wombled from the roof trusses that were removed from the roof when we had it raised.  (I knew it was worth keeping as much wood as we could from the build).

Posh boy painted the fences as they were looking dingy.  We jet washed the hard standing in front of the drive.  Dumped more things into the skip.

And then...  urgh, I built a flat pack bed.  It looks nothing like the one in the above picture.  Lets hope no one sits on it whilst we are selling the house and people are viewing it.  It shows that the room is a double bedroom, that is all that matters.  

More cleaning tomorrow and dress the beds for pictures.

I think we are nearly ready.  Its getting real now.  Really real.


local alien said...

You've made it into a loveable little home. I hope noone can resist and you get lots of offers

Jules said...

I wouldn't mind that bed in the photograph. All to myself would be perfect. I'm currently sharing with a small child with a cough and a cat!
It would be lovely to see one or two glimpses of all your hard work once you've moved. It will all be worth it. So excited for you. X

Sol said...

Hi Linda, I hope it sells quick, I have actually seen 2 houses that could be the one! Exciting but stressful incase someone else wants them!!!!

Hi Jules, aw poor Lily. I think I will make my blog private for a few days and allow people who have left me their email. I can add them and then they can view the house on my blog.

Sadie said...

oh you've got to love a sarky spectator! I think you did well to keep your cool and not shout abuse back!
Good luck with selling! x