Monday 1 February 2016


Saw this, {Gene Editing}, well they always say that sci fi films become reality.  {Gattaca}.  Which is a really good film by the way.


Raybeard said...

I liked the film a lot when I saw it at the cinema in '97. Not seen it since. Apart from being a good film it had the added attraction of a rare on-screen appearance of one of my life's heroes, Gore Vidal, sadly deceased since four years ago.

Sol said...

86 is a good age. I havent seen the film in a while. Hope you are well

Elaine said...

I enjoyed the film, too. I can absolutely see the enormous potential benefits to gene editing, trouble is I can also see the huge potential for the darker side of this process. It worries me.

Sol said...

Fliss the dark side is what worries me. No uniqueness will remain. Both got dark eyes but want a blue eyed child, no problem. *ZZZAAAAAP* Bonde hair you say? *ZaaaaPPPP*, anything else madam would like? No shorter that 5'10? for sure *zaaap*.

Harry Flashman said...

I've never heard of it. I'll see if I can find it online. Always looking for old movies to try out.

Sol said...

Harry, for sure see it, if you are stuck in the house and havent much to do. or sit back and watch humans do it for real. GMO kids.

PioneerPreppy said...

I found Gattaca to be extremely boring back in the day but it's message was real enough I guess.

Sol said...

I like all sci fi things. At the time I feel it was good. I have seen it since but not in the past 2 years.