Dryburgh Abbey, Scotland |
I had a nice weekend, I hope you did also. We stayed at home, busied ourselves with little bits and pieces. The stove was lit in the evenings, some tea lights on the mantel were flickering. It was just nice. Just around the house, it rained heavily both days, and the wind remains strong. One or two extreme down pours that were like a hose being turned onto the window. But it only lasted a few minutes.
Other than that we pottered and in the evenings we watch some of the new programme The Man in the High Castle. Sorry I didnt like it and we wont continue. Too much violence and graphic for me. And then there were the bits that just annoyed me. Last night we watched The 100 Foot Journey. Very pleasant.
What have you been up to?
On Saturday we also pottered about. Cooked another huge ham for hours on end while the rain was pouring down the whole day. On Sunday we woke up to white mountain tops. We visited a pig farm in Clonakilty (West Cork). We came home and flopped down in front of the telly, flicking through channels like a couple of Zombies.
Have a lovely week, Sol.
Hi Patricia, some times I think you just need to become a tv zombie. before we gear up for the summer when I am determined we wont be inside the house. the garden is top priority, and stopping our hopefully soon to be builders killing my plants. wishing you also have a good week! no snow! I HATE SNOW!!!!!
I have done very little oter than knitting baby clothes for a young neighbour - absolutely no film or TV watching.
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