Friday 22 May 2015

What is this?

What is this lovely tree?  How pretty is that, there are two of them in the next village.

The trees are about 8 feet tall, the flowers are the width of my thumb nail.

Do you know what it is?  

It seems to still be upright against the awful wind we have had this week, could it be the new tree for the centre of our garden?


northsider said...

Is it a red flower hawthorn tree, Sol?

Sol said...

Ohh Dave you are clever this is it I think. Look at this blog there is a picture further down that isnt black and white.

I might see if we can find one in a garden centre or nursery. Hooray. Maybe a replacement for the poor willow

Sue in Suffolk said...

We thought a red/pink hawthorn too, we had one in the garden for years and it got quite big, then one year it just suddenly died overwinter for no reason.

Sol said...

sorry Dave here is the link

Sol said...

Hey Sue, it does look like it doesnt it. will have to rethink it is they just die in winter. Am afraid all the trees here are now getting to the height where they fall over in the winds.

Harry Flashman said...

It's a black lotus from Stygia. It lures it's victims close with false pink petals, then gobbles them up.

Sol said...

Hey Harry, I had to google that then... Conan the Barbarian?

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to post here. A lot of experts. It's purty.

Tewshooz said...

Yep, it is a hawthorn tree. We have one and our little town is alive with them right now. Beautiful

Sol said...

Hey Susie, lol dont be afraid. I know about vegetables and some soft fruits, but any flowers or trees I have no idea about. Not a clue.

Hence I am going to be hoping people who see my blog or my Friends can identify stuff.

Hi ya Tewshooz, is it red like this one? It is so pretty. I dont know if it is too big for our back garden. we will see! exciting.

Anonymous said...

So you know now what the tree is, it is a beauty isn't it?

Sol said...

Hey Toffeeapple, I would love it to look like that all year. It is like something out of charlie and the chocolate factory. It looks like sweets from a distance