Wednesday 10 December 2014

Dasher and Dancer?

Our Christmas tree. Its spartan.  I dont really like all the bits on it.  The lights are on dimmer so they arent all lit in the picture.  Please ignore the rogue croc in the back ground it doesnt belong there and why is there only one?

The reindeer were at Whitehills garden centre in Lacock.  Never again will we go there in December.  The car park was nutso (churned mud) and the shop floor absolutely packed with people.  I actually think it was a fire hazard with that many people in there.  Serves me right that it gave me a bit of a panic attack.  We went to look at a shed.   wrong decision.

Are you going shopping this weekend?


northsider said...

I think the world and his wife would want to see those Reindeer, Sol. If you go shopping at weekend, You have do it before everybody gets up.

Sol said...

Dave, for sure you are right, but we went visiting family members that live near Lacock. We said that where ever we are living next year we need a shed. They told us to go and look at this garden centre so off we toddled. lots of sheds but it was really packed in with people. I would have been afraid if I had small children that we would have been separated.

Dani said...

How lovely to be able to see reindeer :)

Sol said...

Hey Dani, they were cute. the donkeys were having a bit of a crazy moment and I think scared some children off. So I could get close to the reindeer. Although one woman called the goats? what? lol

Anonymous said...

You're right we were separated at birth. I can't stand crowds either.

Your tree looks like a Shaker tree.

Anonymous said...

If you don't need the shed immediately, try ebay, preloved, gumtree and freecycle. Recycle save money and sanity!

Sol said...

Susie it made me feel sick. I am used to busy streets in London, but this was like a rugby scrum and you were getting poked in the sides with shopping baskets it was terrible. we had to go into the cafe called Lavender cafe. Just so I could sit down. it was like bees were in my head.

A Shaker tree? is that bad? it is fake so I doubt a Quaker would like it.

Hey Irene, we have tried Gumtree, as we want one that is 16 feet by 10. very large. We are pursuing other avenues for everything at the moment. thanks for reminding me about preloved. that is one I didnt think about. Countrywide shops have helped lots lately. We need it as I have half finished stained glass on my French oak dining table and a welding going on in my conservatory! Sacre Bleu!

Harry Flashman said...

Well if it catches on fire I hope they save the reindeer.

We aren't doing much shopping this year. My wife sent the kids money, which is what they really wanted. We're too burned out to drive half the day to a city, so we will just relax here.

Sol said...

Hey Harry good to hear from you. We have to go visiting this weekend. Opposite direction, Woodstock Near oxford. The youngsters I buy for are all having huge ticket items. I have sent them cash to get a little something in the January sales. The adults dont exchange gifts. We do birthdays.

It would seem the further people remove themselves from Worship, the more 'stuff' they buy.

We wont drive anywhere on Sunday we will stay in. Read some blogs! lol

Anonymous said...

I never shop at the weekend. At this time of year I try not to shop at all, living mostly on vegetable soup and canned fish. Christmas is a non-event for me.

Sol said...

Hi ya Toffeeapple. As you can tell by my tree we arent big on all the trimmings! lol I did start dressing the tree but I just didnt like all the fuss on it. I have seen some beautiful trees that have every single twig covered and the effect is breath taking. but it just isnt for us.

I dont blame you for eating soup and staying in. We were trying to work out how to get the veg in for the next few weeks. the shops are shut for one day. I am sure we can cope. Tinned peas?

Anonymous said...

If you have a freezer, you could use frozen veg, apparently it is cheaper than fresh! I don't have a freezer though so I use mostly fresh from our little Co-op, it doesn't get crowded and is usually open until 10.00 pm.

Sol said...

Toffeeapple, I hadnt thought about that. I will need to get sprouts as they are horrid from frozen, I need those for boxing day.

frozen parsnips are so much cheaper!