Thursday 8 May 2014

pink pink

Umbridge's office, Harry Potter studios


Tom Stephenson said...

Ah, yes - the kitten plates. Based on Maggie Thatcher, eh?

Tom Stephenson said...

Oh for God's sake get rid of the 'blog approval' thing - you are no more likely to get attacked than the rest of us. Just let everyone post up what they want to bloody post up - what harm is going to come to you????

Tom Stephenson said...

Just to make absolutely sure you understand - everyone needs INSTANT gratification these days, and soon will leave you if nor in print as soon as they press the submit button.

Anonymous said...

Her giggle is the worst!

Did you see Vera Drake?

Harry Flashman said...

Looks like Dumbaldor's house of ill repute! Or something you'd find in Paris. ;-)

Raybeard said...

Yes, I'd like to visit that - but only for a short spell.

Sol said...

Tom you crack me up!

Sol said...

Hi Susie, she is horrid isn't she. and no sorry I haven't seen Vera Drake

Sol said...

Harry that is funny. Maybe Dumbledore is a pimp on the side to top up his teachers salary...

Sol said...

Ray I can always count on you or Tom!