Friday 19 December 2014


My head feels shrunken at the moment with the change of direction with houses.  My brain is trying to get used to it all.

I am having a little break from blogging I will be commenting but there just wont be any posts until Tuesday. 

Saw {this}, take a look.  Wow. Do you know what I noticed first?  The clothes.  Werent they smart.  No slouchy trousers.

Have a fabulous weekend I hope it is a nice and calm one! 

P.s. I am a little addicted to Made in Chelsea and the screaming and shouting on House wives of New Jersey!  The DRAMA of it all...


Kev Alviti said...

I like "66, no sorry 79"!

Sol said...

Haha Kev that is funny. its like when you ask a little kid how old they are and they hold up their fingers and count them off. and say they are 4 and the parent says your 3! lol

northsider said...

hi Sol. I would be happy if we had gas lamps on our country lanes. Wonder what the people would think of computers and the Internet? Amazing vignette of another time.

Sol said...

Hey Dave, maybe you could hook up some solar lights around the place?

northsider said...

It's the roads that I would like to see lit up. A few footpaths and some public transport, even a pub?

Tom Stephenson said...

Like Mr Alviti, I liked the bloke up the ladder remembering his age, also I liked the way the interviewer asked him what jobs he did in the village when he was up there lighting the lamps - "I cut hedges..."

Anonymous said...


Sol said...

Dave now you are asking a lot!

Hi ya Tom, I like the bit when the interview asks the lady will she cook on electric and she says no!

Susie, ha ha!