Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

Are you all having a good day? My Migraine has gone, just a little bit of twinkly lights in the corner of my left eye.  And no that isnt the christmas tree!!!  lol 

Thank you for allowing me to wallow yesterday.  I slept for 14 hours last night.  A miracle in its self.

I hope you are all ready...  We are but it is only the 2 of us so it cant be too complicated.  I will make my huge Yorkshire puddings today ready for tomorrow.  I know that doesnt normally go with salmon, but we are having all the things we like.  Stuffing, pigs in blankets (not for me), Yorkshire puddings, pickled onions (also not me) and lots of other little bits.  Yum

I will sign off here.

Merry Christmas everyone!  See you Friday.

Sol x


rusty duck said...

Happy Christmas Sol. Glad you're feeling better.

Sol said...

Thanks Jessica, I feel a lot better today. Still tired, I must have been wiped out yesterday.

Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

northsider said...

Yorkshire Puddings sound excellent Sol. Have a great day!

Sol said...

Hey Dave, you have a great day to.

Molly Printemps said...

Glad you are feeling better Sol. That interview was very strange. We are having roast beef but I am also doing little sausages and stuffing along with everything else. It's just the two of us as well.

Have a lovely day Sol. Best wishes to you.


Sol said...

Hey Carol, you have a lovely day also.

Chickpea said...

Have a great day Sol xx

Raybeard said...

If you read this before Xmas Day is over (and even if you don't) here's wishing you all and only the very best for today, the coming few days, New Year and all through 2015 - with as little interference from that pesky (and scary-sounding) big 'M' which troubles you. 'Speak' to you later while you're having, or have had, a 'merry' day.

Harry Flashman said...

Sol, I hope you have a nice holiday season over there in Olde England!

I don't know exactly how English people celebrate the holiday but I am sure it's well planned and fun.

Sol said...

And you Chickpea and you.

Hey Ray. you dont half leave cryptic messages! What M? Malocchio? My Migraine has gone but I have a cold a cough and bacterial conjunctivitis. Nice. hopefully it will all be gone soon. and that is why I was so off on the 23rd.

Hey Harry, Christmas is the same as over there. maybe a little smaller

Anonymous said...

I hope it is all going well for you so far. Things are nicely quiet here, dinner soon, roast duck - yum.

lovelygrey said...

Happy Christmas Sol, I reckon that Christmas is a day when you can eat just what you want to xx

Sol said...

Hey there Toffeeapple. Hope you duck is yummy!

LovelyGrey, not much eating going on here we are a house of the lurgy at the moment. hopefully we will feel better and have Christmas Day take 2! tomorrow!

Kev Alviti said...

Sorry its late but merry Christmas!

Raybeard said...

Sol: Re the 'M' - I just didn't want to use the word which must be a curse to you. This coming from someone who never even gets mild headaches. I used to, but they'd invariably be part of a hangover. (Was never a heavy drinker but certainly was an occasional binge drinker, but all that stopped about 20 years ago.)
As to the 'M' itself, even what I imagine it must be, which will be so far short of the reality, really scares me and I'm thankful I'm not a sufferer. (I have met two or three others like you who are so prone and I can fully appreciate how it's absolutely NO joke!)

Btw: My comments are cryptic? Oh, I do hope so!

Happy NY if I don't 'see' you before then - but I'm sure I will.

Sol said...

Hey Kev, hope you had a good day.

Ray! you are funny.

Raybeard said...

As long as it's only 'funny ha ha'!
(It is, isn't it?)

Nora said...

So glad you were better in time for the big salmon and Yorkshires...hope it was all you wished for and more. Happy Christmas and all good things for 2015! xx

Sol said...

Ray your funny Ha ha. When I get what you are saying. lol I can be a bit blonde sometimes.

Nora, I hope you had a brilliant day.

Raybeard said...

I've been told that my sense of humour is not just dry, it's 'desiccated'. So don't waste time trying to work it out if it's not immediately obvious.