Monday 15 December 2014



nick said...

I adore squirrels. I've never seen any red ones here, only the grey ones. I just love their agility and alertness and beautiful tails. They're absolute terrors for ransacking bird feeders though.

Sol said...

Hey Nick. This one is in Scotland. I had a toy that looked like him when I was small. only grey ones here, one that jumps onto our swing seat and looks into the dining room window. he frolicks about like Pepe Le Pew from the cartoon. He does that weird half bounce leap.

northsider said...

The squirrels are such characters and incredibly beautiful, Sol. I saw some red squirrels in a park when I visited Warsaw. I don't like it when they eat squirrels on River Cottage.

Sol said...

Hi ya Dave, they only eat grey squirrels. Red ones are protected as they are indigenous. I have a recipe from the war that is squirrel pie. apparently they taste like stringy rabbit. eek. I dont like to eat much meat. it just doesnt sit well with me. If we had access to a fish monger here I could quite easily give up meat altogether. We have a serrano ham for Christmas. Its nice, for sure. but we have it only for Christmas and then after it gets cooked into other things to make the stretch. someone will hate me saying that!

Everyday Life On A Shoestring said...

I would LOVE to see a red squirrel in the wild! Not much chance of that here in Wiltshire...

Harry Flashman said...

I like that squirrel. He works hard for his daily crust. I don't think I have ever seen a red squirrel. All of ours are a dark gray color. At least, here in the Blue Ridge mountains.

Anonymous said...

I like the red squirrels the best.
I had a roommate who ate squirrel. I was horrified. She was/is a hick from the sticks.

Sol said...

Hey Everyday life, thanks for your comment. Ive only seen these red ones in Scotland.

Harry, we also see a lot of grey squirrels that are invaders that have out breed the red ones. They are all cute though.

Susie, no doubt somewhere in my ancestors they ate them. Probably during the war. hence I have the recipe.

Lynne said...

We have a grey squirrel in our garden- he's a flippin' nuisance, I do not harbour any sentimental feelings for them, though a red one would be different, I don't know why.

We have tons of birds visiting our feeders, and the other day we had three very colourful Jays picking up the dropped seeds on the ground underneath. Somehow I can disassociate them in my head with the flamin' rooks which have infested our area. though they are the same family.

Sol said...

Hey Lynne, squirrels are kind of funny but yes they do love bird feeders.

I wouldnt know how to get rid of rooks with out frightening all the other birds away. if the roost in one place maybe you can put them off of that one place?