Friday 1 May 2015


Moved house.

Finding that nothing much works.

Internet does as of yesterday!  Hooray. 

(Sanity saved.)

Watch this space...


Dani said...

Congrats on your new home. - I didn't even know you'd found one. Pics please... (cheeky, aren't I?)

I wish you all happiness in your new home.

Sol said...

Hey Dani, I am slowly catching up on blogs. Whirl wind of builders at the moment. All coming to quote. Who knew oil heating was so complicated.

The house is bigger than I thought we would end up in. There is no land other than a smallish garden front and back. Not ideal but we ran out of time with our buyer.

For sure lots of pictures. I am going to need lots of advise.

Chickpea said...

So pleased for you, enjoy your new home xx

kymber said...

hey Sol - glad you are in your new home! and i'm with Dani - pics! pics! pics! i also wish you happiness!

your friend,

Kev Alviti said...

Glad you're back! Let's see some pictures! How did your exams go?

Sol said...

Hey Chickpea. Thanks I hope it is the last move for a VERY long time.

Hi ya Kymber! Honest you are going to laugh your head off when you see it. I will do a picture of the bathroom for you. you will fall off your chair.

Kev, as above. I need lots of advice on everything. this is a huge project our biggest one yet.

Exams (waves hang side to side). so - so. We will see. Fingers crossed I will know in June/july. I'm crazy I have decided maybe to do a further course...

kymber said...

oh my goodness - NOW i really can't wait for pics! your new place sounds awesome...not sure if you remember what our bathroom used to look like but if yours is even half as bad as that, then all i can say is:

bahahahahahahahahahaha! we're all glad that you are back!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hello, no wonder you had vanished for a while, good to see you back and look forward to hearing about your new home. I did a post the other day about people who stop blogging and I almost crossed you off my reading list!
Good thing I didn't

Sol said...

Hi Sue. Yes lots going on. I will catch everyone up. Some terrible news, some cramming of knowledge, some exhaustion. But we are now in the house. hopefully for a while.

Raybeard said...

Welcome 'home', Sol, both the new one and returning to the blogs - though the latter must necessarily be of lower priority till you've got the time to relax and be comfy enough to talk about your travails on screen.
Only yesterday I was updating and deleting old, long gone, blog contacts and I had to refresh my memory as to what was happening at your end. But now you're back in the picture and we can see where you're at.
Good luck with the settling in, which I hope will be speedy - and we look forward to hearing more of you regularly as soon as you're able.

Anonymous said...

Good luck in your new home Sol! Nice to see you back on line.

Anonymous said...

There's no place like home?