My gardeners have arrived. (The man down the road walked them up to our house yesterday and left them in the parcel box. He rang, to get them straight away. Paid by paypal. Life sure is different at present.)
The pink one is the only one with a name. Evil Edna. She is a Buff Barred and the other 2 brown ones are Colombian Black Tails. {Kev} also recently got some of these, it would seem they are very popular right now. I wanted a Sussex, but in these times you take what you can get and be happy about it. Little bit of a scuffle last night trying to get them to use the ladder to get in the house. Evil Edna decided that she was having none of it and was pecking both the other 2 and myself. Hence the name.
They have been out this morning in the run and already seem to have got the hang of getting slugs. There was much glee and throwing it about and then they all descended on it like they didnt have any food! The dont seem to like the water dispenser and keep pecking the top furiously. I might change it to a metal one as it could be their reflection.
They are 17 weeks old and wont lay for a month. But they are already doing the job and are scratching the heck out of the area. When they have done a thorough job there, we will move them on.
Feathered gardeners who weed and fertilize the ground and keep the slugs at bay.
Love your gardeners. I can see they are going to keep you busy for a while observing their antics. At least they are doing what they were brought for. Hope they help keep the pests and weeds at bay
Hey Dave, I am hoping they will improve the garden greatly. Cant hurt can it and we get eggs at some point
Hey there Linda, I hope they scratch the heck out of the areas I need clearing. I cant have a pig or a goat. Chickens are the next best thing. They seem to love slugs! yay
Give Evil Edna a chance. She might turn out to be Excellent Edna or Empathy Edna.
Hey Janie, unfortunately Edna is not very nice. She fiercely pecks the other 2 and is pulling their feathers out and snapping the others. one more day and she will be in isolation her self!
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