Tuesday 24 December 2013

From Our Home to Yours - Christmas 2013

We Wish You
Very Happy Christmas
and a
Spectacular New Year.


Harry Flashman said...

That's a beautiful set of stain glass windows.

I hope you have a good holiday season and that next year is a good one for you and yours.

Raybeard said...

Thank you, Sol - and likewise to you, your OH, and anyone else of yours who's there. Have a fine holiday and a prosperous and, above all, a healthy 2014.

rusty duck said...

Merry Christmas Sol.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Sol and Posh Boy! (Why do you call him that, BTW?)

Anonymous said...

And the same to you and Posh Boy!

Sol said...

Hi Harry. That is Carlisle Cathedral it is spectacular inside. Very pretty.

Hey Ray. Hope you had a lovely time.

hi there Rusty Duck, good thing you have webbed feet

Susie, He is posh boy as that is what he is. His family are posh and he sounds life Darcy from Bridget Jones or Hugh Grant. He also went to posh school. Slumming it with me! Lol

Hey there Toffeeapple I hope it isn't too damp where you are! and you had a nice Christmas. Roll on Summer. too much rain now, it needs to stop