Monday 9 December 2013

Butterbeer - The Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour # 1


Harry Potter really caught my imagination and then the films.  I loved it.

When Posh Boy said on Thursday night, "shall we go to Harry Potter studios on Saturday?" 

I squealed like a demented cat.  I was so excited.  Then the Computer said no (name that TV programme).  Then I tried to see what tour we could book on in the new year, as you have to book a time slot.  MIRACLES.  Some how I was able to book 2 tickets for the 6pm tour.  This suited us as we thought most people with really little children would be on their way home to put them to bed...

Once we got there it was all very easy, sign posted really well as soon as you got of Junction 19 of the M25, Watford, heading to the M1.  There were the brown signs, beckoning us onwards.  The parking was great, you are guided to a spot (they are slightly small spaces).  But there are plenty of spaces.

So, after yesterdays picture...  I give you butter beer, it was £2.95 a cup.  IT WAS DISGUSTING!  lol

Here it is pouring

On the left is what I can only describe as defrosted ice cream, that is used for the froth

The actual body of the drink tasted a little like ice cream soda, really vanilla in taste and SOOOOOO sweet.

Everyone around us was dumping it in this receptacle....



Gillian Roe said...

I have never heard of butterbeer - but then I've only read the first four Harry Potter books, and that was about ten years ago! I can imagine it tasted...strange.

Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog lately, you are too kind. x

Sol said...

Butterbeer is the drink that they drink in the 3 broomsticks. I loved it.

Gillian your pictures are divine. Your home is so pretty and well kept. I really do think you should look into it being a film location or a product photo shoot location...

If some one does something I like I tell them. If someone is good at something, I will tell them. I am kind of plain speaking like that. As Brits we don't tell people enough that that do some thing well or look good. I like the French, eastern European, American approach to tell people. It isn't flattery. It is fact. You do something I think is great, I am going to tell you.

Harry Flashman said...

I went to see all the Harry Potter films because my wife is an ardent fan. But because I never read the books, most of it I didn't understand.

I think you would have to have magical qualities to like butter beer.

Sol said...

Harry I loved it. I have never been on a studio tour or been to Disney land. I can imagine I would go and never want to go home.

Anonymous said...

I've read the books, read them to my son, and we own all of the movies. I always thought butterbeer sounded good. Did you really not like it or are you being sarcastic? It looks good.

Sol said...

Susie it tasted awful. So sweet it made me gag. Everyone was pouring it away. such a waste of money

John Going Gently said...

Funny but fantasy like mr potter leaves me all a bit cold......
I prefer a good zombie fest

Sol said...

John, I love all things like that. Chick flicks and horror sometimes leave me cold.