Monday, 13 October 2014

Hands that do dishes...

Rubber glove?  Roscoff marina
Gosh it seems all like hard work at the moment and am swimming in treacle.  The weekend flew by.  Washed the windows, good old faithful washing up liquid always brings them up a treat, better than all of those squeezy bottles of stuff.

Off to lunch with the girlies tomorrow and then a spot of toddler sitting on Wednesday whilst my friend goes for an ultra sound of the new baby.  I cant wait, we are going to watch the little mermaid and then if there is enough time, some peppa pig.  LOL  We will eat all the treats and snuggle under the blanket whilst we await the news, girl or boy.

What are you all up to this week?


Gillian Roe said...

I kind of miss watching Peppa Pig with my two, and I never thought I'd say that! Snuggling under a blanket with a toddler watching tv sounds pretty good to me. x

Sol said...

Hey Gillian, She is 2 and has peppa pig shoes she shows me every time I see her! Bless her she is cute. So we might even go just with peppa pig and not the little mermaid.

Harry Flashman said...

Peppa Pig. I know that name. My kids must have liked Peppa Pig when they were little.

Sol said...

Hey Harry. Peppa Pig wasn't around when I was little. At least they speak words and aren't like the Telly Tubbies which I don't think spoke real words in any language. Dora the Explorer is also good. if they have to watch it, they might as well learn something