Tuesday 21 January 2014

All that he could see see see...

july 2009
Dolphins in the Moray Firth, near Inverness, Scotland.

I silently cried like an idiot when they appeared.  The lady standing next to me also had tears, and I could see her squeezing the hand of the man next to her.  

For this reason I will never be able to go to anywhere like SeaWorld.  These animals are magnificent.  I would cry because they aren't free.  They frolicked for 1/2 hour maybe 4 metres from the shore. 

Nature at its best, raw and beautiful all at the same time.

External memory bank post.


Raybeard said...

I too would feel like crying if I ever saw one - and I don't think I ever have, not even in a zoo (when I didn't have the qualms about going to zoos that I have now).
From what I know, dolphins are elegant and graceful, but the crucial determining factor for me would be their evident intelligence, which makes their vulnerability to man's follies and cruelties especially hard to bear. And for that reason seeing them living wild in their natural habitat would be unbearably poignant.

Harry Flashman said...

This is the time of year when the Japanese hold their annual festival in which they run dolphins into a bay and kill them until the sea is red. This has been going on since time immemorial. When I lived in Japan in the late seventies most Japanese I knew detested this custom but it goes on today.

Tom Stephenson said...

Some followed my ferry up the Bosphorus once, but I have spent hours staring out to sea at Cornwall in vain.

rusty duck said...

I've seen this too, magic!

Anonymous said...

I've only seen them at Sea World. I actually petted one. He was smiling. It's on my blog, somewhere.

Sol said...

hey Ray, that is exactly how I feel. I cant go to the Zoo, it makes me feel ill.

Harry, I have seen that on the TV. people try to sabotage it. They say it is for scientific research and then they eat them.

Tom, I don't think I have ever seen dolphins in Cornwall. Basking sharks yes, dolphins no.

Rusty Duck, I feel very privileged to have seen them and swam with them. In Greece, there was a huge pod, they were jumping at the bow of the yacht. We stopped turned the boat into the wind and had our feet in the water. they came up and nudged your feet to make you get into the water. it was amazing.

Susie, I think I would cry and then try to do a Free Willy moment and help them escape. I would be banned from SeaWorld I am sure.

John Going Gently said...

One of your most moving posts

Sol said...

Hey John, I am not sure I am aiming at moving. Just getting the pictures out and on to the blog.

nick said...

I've seen a dolphin in the sea just once. A wonderful sight. One of my blogmates is very keen on SeaWorld but it must be an awful experience for the "inmates".