Wednesday, 22 November 2017

laptop is dead

laptop is dead, post from phone.  back soon.  Santa may need to help

hope you are all well


Jules said...

Oh no! I hope Santa is kind to you. X

Sol said...

Hey Jules, I can do with out a mobile but my laptop it would seem is the go to need everyday item. I hope santa comes through as well.

Mac n' Janet said...

Hope it has a lovely funeral. When my computer died it stuck around to sneer at the new one.

Raybeard said...

Your retreat into silence now explained. Come back a.s.a.p. - pre-Santa-time if you can.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Hop you get a new one

local alien said...

Missing your news! You're going to have a lot of catching up when you do return. Hope you find a solution soon. Good luck

northsider said...

Hope you get your laptop soon Sol. I could do with a new computer. I would love an Apple. We can all dream I suppose.

Sadie said...

oh no! hoping the Big FC brings you something sparkly and new, and preferably, before Christmas! x

Sol said...

Hey all, commenting from my phone. Still waiting for the January sales! hope you are all well. I am trying to visit your blogs from my phone

Sadie said...

merry merry Christmas Sol x

Elaine said...

Hi Sol, I have missed out on your adventures - our internet and phone problems have been terrible through December/November, too dull to go into, but annoying. The line was replaced again yesterday as a neighbour's tree brought it down in the recent gale. One thing after another, but "Worse things happen at sea", as they say. I hope you are enjoying your new life in the country and are living your dream. I am looking forward to reading of your exploits.
Happy New Year!