Sunday 13 November 2016

13th November

Thank you to all Veterans, because of you, I am free.


lovelygrey said...

Well said girl! xx

northsider said...

Lovely post Sol. Isn't that Big Bertha outside the Imperial War Museum? I visited it when I was about 16. Big Bertha us to fire across the English Channel. Also the IPWM is on the site of Bedlam. I think 2016 could be called that.

Tracy said...


Sol said...

Thank you Lovelygrey, it is all their fearless work.

Hi Dave, this year really has been bedlam. I cant wait to see the back of it.

Hi Croods, what can you really say other than that? We are very lucky. Very lucky indeed.

Lynne said...

Always wear my poppy with pride. And it is a red poppy. I refuse to accept the approbation of some - not all - white poppy wearers who call the red poppy a sign of warmongering and imperialism. Utter tosh. Let us remember them, and hope for peace.

Sol said...

Hi Lynne, I always wear my poppy with pride as well. I also wish for peace. I hope it will be in my life time. Hope you are well.