Monday, 2 March 2015


Listening to {this} today.

Am convinced {this} will be the stove in our next house...


northsider said...

Love the stove Sol. We go through tons of firewood in our solid fuel range. It heats 7 radiators, gives us hot water and we cook on it. What we like best is the radiators never go off unlike oil and gas.

Sol said...

Hey Dave, am not sure if it will be this one or one with soap stone on the outside... the heat is released slowly and is retained. but I always think your using it to heat, why dont more of them have cook boxes or ovens built in. I think this one looks nice. people maybe more into the looks. so maybe a manufacturer should look at making them more appealing.

The style I see is to have the stove set into a fire place. We have it like this in this house. At the next house it has to be more functional. being set back in means the heat is trapped or you have to buy one of those expensive fans. lots to think about. watching TV - glance to the side to see how your loaf of bread is doing? I am also interested in those swedish ones that are round and tiled to the ceiling?

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Sweden, the 300 year old house had a stove in every room, it was so cosy!

Sol said...

Hey there Toffeeapple, were they the tall ones with the lovely tiles that sat in the corners? were they very good at heating the house? Very interested in your thoughts...