Monday 4 August 2014

When I ...

when I feel like I really need a holiday, like I do right now.  I have taken to looking at this picture.  It was taken on a rotting boat in halong bay.  Ive said before, this was the worst holiday off my life, (this was the only chair on the boat that wasn't broken, there were 10 people and 1 seat, this is the tip of the iceberg of awfulness in Vietnam, ripped off,  touched by weird men, awful food... I could go on and on...).

So I look at this picture and the need goes away.  I would say this picture has saved me thousands of pounds...


Dani said...

And armchair travelling via the Net or blogs, paired with a special food treat, is as cheap :)

Tom Stephenson said...

Next time you want an awful holiday, come to Bath. You will not be ripped off, you will eat acceptable food, but you will be touched by at least one weird man - me.

Sol said...

Dani how right are those words.

Tom, LOL you are a one!

John Going Gently said...

Do tell more..I love a horror tale

Harry Flashman said...

I think I'd rather vacation in the Amazon rain forest than Viet Nam. But the Sgt. went there on vacation and had a great time. He's Australian, I guess a lot of Brits and Australians go there.

nick said...

But surely there must have been glorious holidays to set against the crappy ones? Or do you just not really enjoy holidays very much?

Anonymous said...

It is a really nice picture.

Raybeard said...

From the sound of it I don't think Tom is, Sol. ;-)

Looks like the weather was responsible for the chair being vacant. Bet it wasn't when the sun came out - IF it did.

Sol said...

John this is the only holiday where this type of thing ever happened. (I take it someone didn't like it as I have lost a follower ho hum...)

Harry, compared to Cambodia and Thailand it isn't such a great place to visit. I didn't feel they had the tourist thing sorted.

Nick I have had many many amazing holidays. I am just using this picture to stop myself from wanting a holiday.

Susie it sure was weird trip! lol

Hey Ray that isn't weather that is smog from 300 boats being in a small bay all belching out diesel fumes.